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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Miss Lava - Blues For The Dangerous Miles

The best summary of this album I can come up with is if Down and The Sword joined and decided to form a more radio-friendly version of their previous bands.

From start to finished the albums instrumental portion was very catchy while remaining on the heavier side of FM radio. Shine On (track 6) has a very (in my opinion) Swordish beginning riff to it and I think, this particular song, is my favorite on the album.

The vocals of Johnny Lee on the otherhand, really, really, aggrevated me on a majority of the tracks. High and whiny singing (beginning of Second Chance) seemed to completely contrast to the backdrop of the bands, 70's rock esque, instrumentals. A few tracks however(Blues for the Dangerous Mile and Blind Dog) his voice seemed to fit in nicely and created a nice cohension.

All in all if you are a fan of this style of metal I'd say pick it up (or download it as the case may be). The catchiness of the album as a whole is enough of a selling point from my perspective.

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