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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Defiance, Ohio detail new album and leak a new song

defiance_maxNo Idea Records has announced the details for the new studio album from Defiance, Ohio. The album is titled Midwestern Minutes and was recorded this past March and April by Mike Bridasky at Russian Recording Studio in the band’s hometown of Bloomington, Indiana. Bridasky also produced the band’s critically acclaimed previous album The Fear, The Fear, The Fear, released by No Idea Records in late 2007.
The 11-song album will be released on LP/CD via No Idea Records on July 6th 2010.
You can check out an early leak of the track “Hairpool” on the band’s No Idea Records profile page.
The band is currently booking an extensive US tour starting in June. Dates will be announced shortly.
Bassist/vocalist Ryan Woods offered a brief communiqué from the studio:
“I’m not sure what it will turn out like, but I do feel it is a bit of a change. I think we were a lot more careful in arranging the songs, for example, a lot more thought-out harmonies, some songs have lots of strings, some none at all. There is a lot more use of the piano, a Wurlitzer, and a return of the upright bass on some songs. A couple of the songs are quite theatrical in content and orchestrated musically. In contrast, I think a couple songs are also more “punk” sounding than the last record. We are very excited! I feel like we really worked as a group to make the songs and I think it will be a really good representation of where we are as a band now, for better or for worse.”
Defiance Oho have released three previous albums: Share What Ya Got, The Great Depression, and The Fear, The Fear, The Fear. All can be ordered through No Idea Records.
Defiance, Ohio is:

Geoff Hing - guitar, vocals
Ryan Woods - bass, vocals
Will Staler - drums, guitar, vocals
BZ - violin, piano
Sherri Miller - cello, banjo, vocals
Theo Hilton - drums, guitar, piano

defiance-ohio-mm-5x5-72Midwestern Minutes Track Listing:

1. Floodwaters
2. The White Shore
3. A Lot to Do
4. Cigarettes
5. Hairpool
6. Dissimilarity Index
7. The Reason
8. Her Majesty’s Midwestern Islands
9. Diamonds Theme Song
10. You Are Loved
11. Everyone Else on the Other Side

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