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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Heaven Shall Burn - Antigone

This German band has put out one hell of a CD. I've heard people complaining about the fact that he sings clean vocals from time to time... but I personally think it doesn't effect the music negatively whatsoever.

These guys mix melodic death metal with hardcore and some brutal breakdowns and even cover a Disembodied song. I think this record is a maturing over their last effort, and I think that the production is top quality and thus makes the whole thing even better. Their melodies flow over a grodd drum beat and are overlaid with some distinctive and abrasive metal growled vocals.

My favorite track off this release is probably "Architects of Apocalypse" - a crushing journey through the end of the world - this song reminds me at times of Arkangel and at other times At the Gates. The drumming is very punishing and tight, and the entire song is pretty swell in general.

If you like Eurpoean hardcore/metal then this is one to check out.

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